All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.


SUMMAH SUPPIN 2021.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

I shot this in 2020. This is really a re-edit for today June 30th, 2021 is Kyle Linseman's Birthday.
*Listen closely as my phone rings while I was recording the song. Pretty funny. I never missed a beat.
So Kyle go and get your SUP and Go Summah Suppin! Enjoy this special day!


July 4th, 2021 The RUN is 48 out of 48 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were waist to chest high waves on July 2nd & 3rd, 2021


Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 50 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs
and pics.

13th ANNUAL Wounded Warriors HIT THE BEACH!



I first met Greg at the Surf Expo in 1990. I had some of my paintings being shown in THE ART OF SURFING Surf Art exhibit that Jay Gould was running. He along with Alan Seymour invited me down to the Expo. And that’s where I met Greg. He had a booth there and it was hard to miss him. Because there he stood in front of a giant poster of the most iconic photos in the history of surfing. The photo (above) was taken by John Severson (who ironically had several of his paintings in the art show).

Almost everyone in the Surf World is familiar with that image. I mean just look at it. Are you kidding me. I can remember looking at that photo and trying to imagine what kind of a human being would want to even think about paddling out into that huge surf. The wave is Pipeline. And if you know anything at all about Pipe, you would know that at this particular size, it is dangerous. Very dangerous.

Look at the board that’s resting against the crook of his neck and shoulder. And then look at that wave. I don’t know a single person who would say “Yeah that looks like fun. I’m out there.” Oh hell no. There were only a few in the 60’s who would dare think about that kind of insanity. And I was staring at one of them. There he was in the flesh. Greg “DA BULL” Noll.

I’m not sure what I said to him to break the ice. But I know I can’t be the only person who’s stumbled upon him and blurted out something stupid. And the way he greeted me, it was obvious that he’s dealt with plenty of small to medium wave kooks like me in the past. Besides, he’s in the business of selling his brand. He was no dummy, and he knew how to handle the star struck kooks like me.

Long story short, I introduced myself as one of the artists in the art show.

What I didn’t know is that he had a true love for surf art. And although I only had a few of my paintings in the show. One that I did for my wife for her birthday, and one that Jay himself commissioned me to do of a local pointbreak back home. He was interested in seeing my work. And much to my surprise he loved my work. He genuinely liked my style of painting.

Then he brought up the fact that he wished he had a painting of his famous last wave that he caught at Makaha. For those of you who are not familiar with Makaha, it is on the west side of Oahu, Hawaii. It’s a big wave spot that is on the same level as Waimea and Pipeline. You would only surf Makaha when the North Shore is out of control.

That statement really perked my interest.

I couldn’t believe that he didn’t have a photo of that wave and he didn’t have a painting of that wave. I mean, you all know where this is going right? Well, one thing led to another. And before the day was through, he commissioned me to paint his famous ride at Makaha on December 4th, 1969.

I was on cloud nine. Jay and Seymour were stoked for me.

I honestly believe he connected with me because, at the time he was riding that famous wave, and slugging it out in that giant surf, I was a Marine grunt in Vietnam, slugging it out with the North Vietnamese Army. Suffice it to say, we became instant friends. We talked about the parallel of surfing big waves and being in a war. Let me be perfectly clear here. I am NOT a big wave surfer. I have never been a big wave surfer. I have been out in big waves, but I am not a big wave surfer. I have however, been in a war.

And yes, I have been scared, but I have never been out at huge Hawaiian surf.

I’ve never surfed big Sunset (I have surfed small sunset), I’ve never surfed 2nd and 3rd reef Pipe, and I certainly have never surfed Waimea. I have surfed “Pinballs” which is what they call inside Waimea, when it’s really small, but I have never been out in the kind of surf that Greg and his buddies have surfed. Oh hell no. Little Ralphie don’t play that game. Still, the fact that I have “Faced the Tiger in Vietnam” was admirable enough for Greg to want to work with me, and get that painting of that infamous ride.

And that ride? If you don’t know about it you should google it.

The short story is, that day was unlike any other day he had faced. It was bigger and meaner than any of the days at the Bay, Pipe, and Sunset. It was like he knew he had reached the pinnacle. It’s really a fascinating read. Man vs the ocean.

But he made that conscious decision to try and catch one of those beasts. And he did.

I won’t tell you anymore about what happened, but I will tell you that I spent the following talking with Greg in pinpoint detail, over the phone, and other meetings about that incredible day. December 4th, 1969 a day of significant history, in the world of surfing. He even provided me with an 8 x 10 photo of a wave he rode earlier that day as a reference. I promised him I would never show that photo. The photo was shot hours before that big wave.

But it was significantly smaller than the big wave he caught later in the day.

I used the photo as a reference to the texture of the wave, and his stance, as well as other detailed items that only he could provide. It was an exciting time in my life and I think it was for him. I could tell he was excited as the year went along, and we talked about that day and his life.

I learned so much about that day, and about the man himself.

And I was truly humbled by his presence and I felt so privileged to be that close to a true surf legend. It was almost like I had to pinch myself as I would talk with him over the months. I got to know Laura pretty well (over the phone) and I know how important she was to him. I did not know their four children but I knew of them. Like me, he was a faithful family man. At the time I met him Cory and I only had our first daughter Gabby. We would go onto have three children and three grandchildren. So we had that common bond.  

As far as the painting itself? I’ll post the painting I did for him on my annual Surf Art Blog at the end of this month. Meanwhile, Rest In Peace Greg.

You truly were “A Legend Among Legends.”



This week's Ed's corner is from July 4th, 2009. This is Michael Taylor. Michael is the the guy who first suggested the HIT THE BEACH program to me in 2008. It was his idea. Suffice it to say it was a great idea. He and his wife have moved to California but they manage to be around for most of our HTB events
Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

Now for Some Local and National News

Bill "The Pill" Cosby was released from prison after only serving 3 years . He was released by the PA Supreme Court after the disgraced actor's "Due process rights were violated".

Forget the fact that he violated 58 different women. Once again the justice system has failed the victims horribly. The 83yr old rapist only served 3 years of his 3 to 10 year sentence. So much for the "ME TOO" Movemnet. I think I'm as sickened over those who claim his innocence as I am with him. Bill The Pill Cosby.

It's that time of year again!

This is a great opportunity to showcase local and national surf artists. If you know of any surf artists please let them know about this annual Surf Art Blog.

And speaking of Surf Art. My longtime Surf Artist/Surfer/Musician brother Stan Chew has a surf art Exhibit coming up at the end of August at the Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery in Porstmouth. I love his work and I can't wait to attend.

Surf Art For Surfers and Lovers Of Surf.

KSM Photoshop of the Week
Once again leave it to Ole Khaliddy to give Bill The Pill a call to let him know about the ladies at GITMO. That sly nasty Sex Mutt is one disgusting Terrorist. Though I'm not sure how they are gonna pull this off. Wait a second, they are not gonna pull anything off. I make this shit up. Bill The Pill is going to shit the bed at home with his Clueless wife. And the only "Booty" the Sheik is gonna "Shake" is his own.
Couple of losers.

And so my friends,
please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).

*Note to self -must pick up a case of Quaaludes at Home Depot this week.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tree Todd Davidson July 4th, 2021!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eli Ciarmataro July 4th, 2021!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cory Fatello! June 30th, 2021!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dave Crop Cropper June 30th, 2021!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kyle Linseman June 30th, 2021!
PLEASE Keep 90 yr old Chuck Dreyer (Kim Grondin's dad)
in your thoughts and prayers.

PLEASE Keep JoEllen Bunton in your thoughts and prayers too as she transitions to the other side to be with Jerry (above) and my two late parents Eva and Gus.
PLEASE Keep longtime NH Surfer Greg Smith in your Prayers.
PLEASE Keep local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski in your thoughts and prayers throughout the year.


Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 16 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.





(Below) This is another classic photo from Jerry Law. If you're at all familiar with Ogunquit, you know about this cool little paved walkway up on the bluff. From this vantage point you can take in all the action, and the passerbys as they walk on by. From left to right: Ronnie Freeman, Clive (Australia), Sandy Bigbee, and the late Joe Boutin. Rest In Peace Joe. Photo by Jerry Law

*Click on the pic to see a larger version.

I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.

I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.

Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal. Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.

*Click on the photo above to see the large version of this pic.

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad itself. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly by clicking here. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted.  

Today- THE "WEEK 48" SWELL. Friday July 2nd, 2021.
Photos by Dina Crawford


The 48th Week Swell was legit for anyone who paddled out.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Fly those Flags AMERICA! The 48th Week Swell.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) My criteria is waist high or better. The 48th Week Swell was all of that. Friday July 2nd, 2021 Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The 48th Week Swell had some beef too!
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on all their restaurants


(Above) What did I say? Waist high or better? The 48th Week Swell.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) So it wasn't pretty but it sure was beefy. The 48th Week Swell.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The 48th Week Swell Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



(Above) Perry Reynolds Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Now that's a great shot Dina! Perry Reynolds Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Perry Reynolds has thos spot dialed in. Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the image above to visit the SALTYPAWS
Cool Website.

(Above) Who needs a surfboard? Perry Reynolds Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Perry Reynolds is at least 6' tall. Do the math.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Free Falling Perry Reynolds Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I'm calling it head high. You got a problem with that?
Perry Reynolds Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Perry Reynolds and the 48th Week Swell were seriously "Gelling."
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I must know this guy. Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The 48th Week Swell had some oomph to it.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This guy? He could care less. Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) That a fish or a piece of kelp in the wave face?
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Not the biggest or the hollowest barrel, but...he'll take it.
Friday July 2nd, 2021
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- RANDOM SUMMER PICS from the archives.
Photos by RALPH

Ed O'Connell July 3rd, 2009. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I think the caption on the pic says it all. Max and Jared.
July 3rd, 2009.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I had forgotten about this pic until I found it today. Classic.
Lenny, Erica, and Julia. July 3rd, 2009.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) William Haffenreffer at the Wall. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Don't even bother asking..Summer Shenanigans.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) MVF a few summers ago. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Kody Grondin rocking the foggy lips that day. Few summers ago. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Keanu is a great surfer. Few summers ago. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I remember this wave and this day. MVF a summers ago.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I clearly remember this wave and this session. Fresh launches one. Few summers ago. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Pev on July 4th. The last summer he had the dreads.
Few summers ago.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Cory and I on July 4th. Few summers ago. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The boys being boys on July 4th a few summers ago.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Liquid glass. Few summers ago. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The magical world beneath the surface. Few summers ago.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously. By 10AM. 
Make sure they are 1300 pixels wide. If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please don't send me over 50 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

(Above) Josh Schneier at Wells Jetty. Photo c/o Jeff Schneier
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Greg "DA BULL" Noll 1937-2021
Photo John Severson
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

TS BILL.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

On June 15th, 2021 Tropical Storm BILL went zipping by New England.
The very next day a decent chest to head high swell started to fill in.
So on June 16th, 2021 I shot some video of the local crew.
I used my friend Bill Pierce's music.
I figured why not keep the whole Bill

Sub Tropical Storm ANA.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

Sub Tropical Storm ANA hit on May 22nd & 23rd, 2021. The surf was head high to a foot or two overhead. The winds were warm and so was the water temp. The local crew had a blast. music is by QWILL.
Check out his music at

MOTHER'S DAY.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

The Mother's Day Swell on May 9th, 2021. Shot entirely here in Hampton, NH. Happy Mother's Day to ALL THE MOMS. Past, Present, and Future. Music is by the talented QWILL. Check his music out at

LONGER BOARDS from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo. Three close friends went long boarding in the howling winds on
April 26th, 2021.
The friends were Kyle Linseman, Kody Grondin, and Max Fatello.
Later we all watched the Super Pink Moon rise up out of the ocean.
Music is by Tsunami Of Sound.

A Best Of RPOTW The Last 5 years, or something like that.
Song "Mirrors" by QWILL

Mikel from Brian Nevins on Vimeo.

A visual hang with New Hampshire shaper and surfer Mikel Evans through the changing moods of a New England winter.

This is the updated trailer with additional footage from PAX. The named storms of Winter 2013-2014 are featured in this impressive winter season of snow, surf, and freezing temps. The local surfers here in New England have been charging all winter. Look for Weston Rogers, Jesse Gould, Max Fatello, Joel Feid, Lenny and Kai Nichols, Johnny and Perry Reynolds, Steve O'hara and a host of others. The music for this clip is Robin Trower.


The first ever video of women surfers of the Northeast. Summer of 2018.
This is the First time I am offering this FREE of charge. Call it my
Mother's Day Gift To You all. All original soundtrack.

ALL RISE: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session.

The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #631
BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK- Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the Verdict that was rendered.
Photo by
Dina Crawford
* Click on the photo above to see the OUTCOME.



Looking like Sunday will keep this streak alive!

Sunday is my call for the pick of the week




Because the newer version of DREAMWEAVER no longer has a Rollover feature I will simply place both BEFORE and AFTER images side by side. This is what happens when you get caught doing something stupid.

Photo by Dina Crawford Photoshop by RALPH


July 4th, 2021 "Don't Be An ass This 4th By Blowing Shit Out Your ass! Nobody Likes A Dumb Ass!"

(Above) Just Google this subject and see what pops up. There's no shortage of assholes out there. Photo by the Google Machine



Click on wave to return to the top

This site and blog maintained by ADLANTIC. 2021



Several weeks ago I posted about Sam George
and his new venture. If you like great writing with wit,
humor, and an incredible legitimate insight to
everything that is surfing, you will LOVE
Sam George's new venture.
His stories are the best.


*I urge you all to sign up to get these important
and entertaining stories of our world.
Besides, it's FREE. Trust me it's worth it.

Click on the ad above to hear My Podcast
with Host Chase Rosa


Click on Jimmy above to see his new
Summer 2021 schedule.







Click on image above to see more of Donna's work



Visit our facebook page.

Visit our Facebook Page



Click on the image above to visit




check out the amazing sounds and songs of qwill
click on this image to see and hear the man who's
music I use more than 90% of the time in my videos









Great new book by Paul Theroux.
Click on the image to buy a copy.

Several months ago I posted about Sam George
and his new venture. If you like great writing with wit,
humor, and an incredible legitimate insight to
everything that is surfing, you will LOVE
Sam George's new venture.
His stories are the best.


*I urge you all to sign up to get these important
and entertaining stories of our world.
Besides, it's FREE. Trust me it's worth it.




The SURFER’S EDGE A Guide To Conceptual Surfing

This book is for novice to beginner surfers who are just
getting their feet wet into our world. While this type and style
of book has been done many times before, author
Eric Zinnkosko comes at this from a unique perspective.
He’s been surfing for the last 35 years, having spent every
waking moment on or near the ocean. In other words, he
has legit “surf cred.” He knows what he’s talking about.
And for all you surfers who are cringing about new surfers paddling out to your local break?

You can rest assure that Eric goes out of his way to educate these new surfers as to the “Do’s and Don’ts” about surfing.
And he minces no words when it comes to the warnings.
He hits the nail on the head, that other books missed
completely when writing a How to Book on Surfing. Eric
gets our frustration only too well, and he spells it out over
and over again throughout the book.

And while this book is basically for Kooks (And I say that in a positive way). Because let’s face it, we all start out as kooks,
and we all end up as kooks. There’s actually something for everyone here. He’s written some personal stories about his surfing life that many of you will find interesting, and he’s got some interesting facts about the ocean, swells, tides, traveling, mental and physical health, equipment, safety, and the most important subject of all SURF ETIQUETTE.

I found myself chuckling at some of his comments when
dealing with locals and serious surf conditions. In short, I
highly recommend this book. It’s the book that you wish
every Kook on the planet had read before paddling out at
your home break.

You can purchase The SURFER’S EDGE here

Or click on the Book Cover for more info

Click on the image to purchase your copy
Click here for my review


Click on the image to buy this book and
or to see more on KING'S X



Click on the image above to purchase
Mike's New book.